flow through me
Singing from the possible perspectives of an imperiled freshwater mussel, Alasmidonta varicosa and the rivers it inhabits, "flow through me" is a song of care and sorrow. Exploring the lifecycle and ecosystem "services" of the mussel and how they are affected by pollution, impoundment, and other deadly events, the river and mussel ask you to treat them in kind reciprocity. In collabortaion with Andy Davis (composer, co-writer, co-mussel) at Wassaic Project.
photos by Sophie Treppendahl and Siel Timperman
Earth Day 2019
Tara Foley, Education Director at Wassaic Project continued to spread the mussel gospel at an Earth Day 2019 event in New York State. I designed a mussel coloring page and info sheet for the event and Tara brought our mussel outfits and video to share with attendees!